Wednesday, October 13, 2010
There are many functions provided by TestNG and you can use them in different ways one of them I will mention in this blog.
A DataProvider provide data to the function which depends on it. And whenever we define a DataProvider it should always return a double object array “Object[][]”. The function which calls dataprovider will be executed based on no. of array returned from the DataProvider. For ex.
@Test(dataProvider="data") public void printMethod(String s){ System.out.println(s); } @DataProvider(name="data") public Object[][] dataProviderTest(){ return new Object[][]{{"Test Data 1"},{"Test Data 2"},{"Test Data 3"}}; }
The Output will be:
Test Data 1
Test Data 2
Test Data 3
As you can see that the Test method “printMethod ” gets called 3 times depending upon the data that was provided by the DataProvider.
The DataProvider can be used for getting data from some file or database according to test requirements.
Following I will mention two ways to use DataProvider:
For ex.
You need to get data from a file and print each line to the console. For doing that you had written some File Processing API that will return a List of the data read from file.
You can iterate on the List at the DataProvider level as well as at the test method level. Both I am mentioning below.
The DataProvider can be used for getting data from some file or database according to test requirements.
Following I will mention two ways to use DataProvider:
For ex.
You need to get data from a file and print each line to the console. For doing that you had written some File Processing API that will return a List of the data read from file.
You can iterate on the List at the DataProvider level as well as at the test method level. Both I am mentioning below.
@DataProvider(name = "data")
public Object[][] init1() {
List list = fileObject.getData();
Object[][] result=new Object[list.size()][];
int i=0;
for(String s:list){
result[i]=new Object[]{new String(s)};
return result;
public void runTest1(String s){
System.out.println("Data "+s);
@DataProvider(name = "data") public Object[][] init() { List list = fileObject.getData(); return new Object[][]{{list}}; } @Test(dataProvider="data") public void runTest(List list){ for(String s:list){ System.out.println(“Data” + s); } }
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