Saturday, May 12, 2012

Generate TestNG-xslt report using Maven

Earlier I had covered in my blog on how to generate a TestNG-xslt report for your TestNG test-case execution using Ant. Following is the link to it:

As many of the recent projects are now using maven as their build tool ,test-cases are also required to integrate itself to the existing build. In this blog I will mention about how to generate a TestNG-xslt report for your TestNG test-case execution using Maven.
Following is the "pom.xml" file for executing TestNG test-cases and to generate a "TestNG-xslt" report for the same:

Run the following command in terminal/command prompt to run your test cases and generate the TestNG-xslt report. The report will be generated under folder named "testng-xslt-report" inside the "target" folder under your build directory.

mvn clean test site org.reportyng:reporty-ng:1.2:reportyng

Note: In case the "test" task of mvn fails the report task of xslt will not be executed. You can apply any of the strategies mentioned in the following url to achieve the same as part of a single execution:

Else 2 different commands have be run for test execution and report generation separately.

To know more about the TestNG-xslt configuration parameters please refer to my earlier blog post: